About Me I am a self taught artist with a passion for water colors. Born in India, I was always attracted to the beauty of vibrant colors and deep hues of the cultural festivals. At the age of five I started drawing freehand looking at various story book pictures. Luckily I was born in a very supportive family. They provided me with all the materials I wanted to explore and never forgot to compliment me on my work, which further motivated me and built in me the confidence to continue.
2 Comments Don May 25 2015 09:23 am ...more than 9 years ago Tks Swati. I post a few on Facebook Botanical Artists and my Home page when I think they are good enough. The standard is generally very high and I very much still learning. I copy mainly from books and photos. My Tutor Julie McClean keeps trying to persuade me/us to paint from life but as I slow and methodical this takes time and I have other things to do in the summer months.. I am quite content to follow others on the learning curve and at 85 I have nowhere to go but upwards. Botanical does take more time. I appreciate you sharing your work so freely with instructions and the COLOURS used are so helpful. Judging by the FB comments you have many admirers....... I do paint other subjects with my weekly Tutor and other all class mates but flowers, and now fruit have a particular fascination, catching the light and shadow are essential...luminosity effect still eludes me. I give my paintings away to my Grandchildren and other admiring family members as birthday gifts.!!!! The kids are thrilled to bits at my generosity. Kindest regards. Reply Swati Singh May 25 2015 10:13 am ...more than 9 years ago @Don I will definitely look for your art on facebook! I understand the learning part completely. I consider myself a learner as well. It is important for us artists to learn and support each other. I do not hesitate to provide all the knowledge I have to others whom I might help. After all sharing knowledge with others increases our own! I usually take photographs of subjects and work from them. It gives me more freedom to paint whenever I want to. Yes talking of luminosity, I myself am practising highlights and shadows in these small studies in watercolours. I am sure your family members must be so lucky and blessed to have you! Thank you again for sharing your art journey with me. Happy painting! Don May 24 2015 04:17 am ...more than 9 years ago Hi and tks for all the advice via Facebook....... I intend to follow your work and try to emulate in my own simple senior way. I enjoy botanical work and don't rush anything.. I have used Billy Showell a Valerie Oxley books as general guides. Your detailed fruits attract my attention for their precision and vibrancy. Have been painting of and on for 6 years and have a tutorial every week. Nominating the colours used is such a great help and saves time. I am a great book collector and wonder do you have anything in publication. Thank you Regards Don Reply Swati Singh May 24 2015 08:27 am ...more than 9 years ago @Don You are most welcome to my blog Don. Glad to know you love botanical art as well. I would love to see some of your work and tutorials! I myself admire Billy Showell a lot! Her work is flawless I will say. I do not have any publications as of now. My blog is the platform where I am sharing all the knowledge I have. Thank you for stopping by and leaving me this wonderful feedback. Have a wonderful day.
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