About Me I am a self taught artist with a passion for water colors. Born in India, I was always attracted to the beauty of vibrant colors and deep hues of the cultural festivals. At the age of five I started drawing freehand looking at various story book pictures. Luckily I was born in a very supportive family. They provided me with all the materials I wanted to explore and never forgot to compliment me on my work, which further motivated me and built in me the confidence to continue.
2 Comments Sharon Jun 15 2021 10:44 pm ...more than 3 years ago Hi Swati! It's been a couple of years since you posted and hope you are doing fine wherever you are! anyways I tried out this papaya and it turned out great! also, I have a request could you please do a series on brush control and also on other kinds of still life and nature study on flowers? Reply Swati Jun 17 2021 01:56 am ...more than 3 years ago @Sharon Hi Sharon, thank you for stopping by. Yes, I am doing fine. Hope you are doing well too. My day job is keeping me busy and I have not been consistent in my studio... But you reached at the right time. I am actually in the middle of making a tutorial on a hibiscus flower! You may expect it by the end of this month. Your suggestions have been noted down. I am glad this papaya tutorial was helpful to you. I wish for your good health. Take care :) Dede May 31 2020 11:30 am ...more than 4 years ago I like the painting but I am lost on how u made the shadow of the fruit. Reply Swati S Jun 01 2020 03:24 am ...more than 4 years ago http://www.swatisinghstudio.com @Dede Hi Dede, welcome to the studio! Well, for the shadow part simply move a clean damp brush over the area where you want to add the shadow. Just make sure that you do not add a lot of water when you do this. You may dab your brush on a wet tissue before applying on the sheet to prevent this. Then, while the area is still wet add the same colour we mixed in Step 6 for the seeds and add it in. This will make sure that the colour spreads evenly. Hope this helps!
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