About Me I am a self taught artist with a passion for water colors. Born in India, I was always attracted to the beauty of vibrant colors and deep hues of the cultural festivals. At the age of five I started drawing freehand looking at various story book pictures. Luckily I was born in a very supportive family. They provided me with all the materials I wanted to explore and never forgot to compliment me on my work, which further motivated me and built in me the confidence to continue.
2 Comments Gregg Jul 25 2020 10:24 am ...more than 4 years ago thanks for the tutorial. can you indicate which brush size i should use in each step, please? also, in steps 3-4, you indicate to glaze first then mark the red lines, but on the text near the practice sheet you use the other order. Reply Swati Jul 25 2020 12:16 pm ...more than 4 years ago @Gregg You may go for a round brush in size 3 for the initial washes. In a rough sheet you need to explore how it looks overall once you glaze on top of the details in later steps. You need to start by having a basic form ready with very pale washes first. Once it dries proceed with the fine details or marks in a size 0 or 1. Once all the details dry completely add another layer of lemon yellow on top. So basically, you will be sandwiching the details in between. Hope this helps! Doreen Apr 11 2016 07:00 pm ...more than 8 years ago Thank you so much for sharing these very well done tutorials. Your work is lovely! Reply Swati Apr 11 2016 11:23 pm ...more than 8 years ago @Doreen I am really glad you liked the tutorials. Enjoy painting in watercolors! Thank you for stopping by and leaving your feedback :)
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