About Me I am a self taught artist with a passion for water colors. Born in India, I was always attracted to the beauty of vibrant colors and deep hues of the cultural festivals. At the age of five I started drawing freehand looking at various story book pictures. Luckily I was born in a very supportive family. They provided me with all the materials I wanted to explore and never forgot to compliment me on my work, which further motivated me and built in me the confidence to continue.
1 Comments Diane Mar 03 2017 05:00 pm ...more than 7 years ago How and when do you make the cast shadows? Reply Swati Mar 06 2017 10:25 am ...more than 7 years ago http://www.swatisinghstudio.com @Diane Hi Diane, to paint the cast shadows start by applying a wash of clear water in the shadow area. Then, gently add some indigo blue while the sheet is still wet. Start at the base of the capsicum and gently sweep it away to almost making it colorless at the end. Then add a hint of yellow for yellow pepper to suggest color reflection at the base of the capsicum. Always start by dropping the colors close the base where the capsicum touches the floor. Hope this helps! All the best.
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